
I Work At The Community Garden. Which Revision Most Improves The Sentence By Adding Description?

answers revision unit 6 10

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Post on 05-Dec-2014


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  • 1. REVISION UNITS 6 -10: ANSWERS 1 Underline the correct word or phrase. Example: I dont / m not studying at the moment. 1) What do / are they listening to? 2) Jill doesnt / isnt at school today. 3) The students dont / arent like doing tests. 4) Does / Is this Sams mobile phone? 5) Do / Are you like swimming? 6) Was / Were Jack and Elaine on holiday last week? 7) The shops wasnt / werent open today. 8) Yesterday was / were Thursday. 9) When was / were Julie born? 2 Complete the conversation. Put one word in each gap. Mel Did you and Joe go out last night? Rosa Yes, we did .We went to a restaurant. Mel Did you drive there? Rosa No, we 1 DIDNT_. We went by bus. Mel What did you wear? Rosa I 2 WORE my new jeans. Mel What time did you leave? Rosa We 4 _LEFT at half past eight. Mel Did you go home after that? Rosa No. We 5 WATCHED_ a film at the cinema. Mel What time did you get home? Rosa We didnt 6 GET home until 11.30. 3 Complete the phrases with go, have, or get. Example: have a sandwich 1 __GO_ out on a Saturday night 2 ___GET___ up early 3 __HAVE__ a good time 4 __GO/GET___ to work 5 _GET___ dressed 6 __GET____ a letter 7 ___HAVE_ a coffee with friends 8 __GO/GET_ back to work 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. 1 Did they enjoy the party? Yes, they _____. enjoyed did enjoy did 2 Yesterday _____ Saturday. Today is Sunday. didnt didnt was was 3 I _____ a great film at the cinema last night. saw m seeing see 4 _____ the football match yesterday? You watched Did you watch Watched you 5 Sally _____ a book on the train. readed read red 6 Where _____ Jimmy this morning? was were did 7 I _____ my iPod last week. lose lost losed 8 What time _____ Mr Carter leave? was is did
  • 2. REVISION UNITS 6 -10: ANSWERS 5 Use the words to write positive (+) and negative () sentences and questions (?) with there is / there are. Add some, any, a where necessary. Example: a shop in the village (?) Is there a shop in the village? 1 a swimming pool in the garden (+) THERE IS A SWIMMING POOL IN THE GARDEN. 2 ghosts in the house () THERE ARENT ANY GHOSTS IN THE HOUSE 3 cupboards in the kitchen (?) ARE THERE ANY CUPBOARDS IN THE KITCHEN? 4 a shower in the bathroom (?) IS THERE A SHOWER IN THE BATHROOM? 5 a television in the bedroom () THERE ISNT A TV IN THE BEDROOM. 6 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any. 1 Im hungry. Do you want _AN__ apple? 2 Lets make _SOME__ bread this evening. 3 Hes a vegetarian. He doesnt want _ANY_ meat. 4 Are there __ANY__ bananas? No. Pete had the last one. 5 Do you want _A_ sandwich? 6 There are__SOME eggs in the fridge. 7 Underline the correct word or phrase. Example: She eats much / a lot of biscuits. She loves them. 1 Put a little / a few pepper in the soup. 2 How much water do you drink? A lot of / A lot. 3 I didnt eat no / any cake. I wasnt hungry. 4 How much / many cups of tea do you drink each day? 5 I dont have much / many free time. I work very hard. 8 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. Example: My sister is younger (young) than me. 1 Your computer was ___MORE EXPENSIVE___ (expensive) than mine. 2 Saras a __WORSE___ (bad) cook than me. 3 Its __HOTTER__ (hot) in Greece than in Sweden. 4 Antons a __BETTER__ (good) dancer than you. 5 Im __HAPPIER__ (happy) now than when I was a teenager. 9 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. Example: Whos the oldest (old) person you know? 1 Phils the __WORST_ (bad) football player I know. 2 What is the __HOTTEST__ (hot) place in the world? 3 Winter is the _MOST DANGEROUS_ (dangerous) time of the year for drivers. 4 They went to the _CHEAPEST_ (cheap) restaurant in the city. 5 My dads the _FUNNIEST__ (funny) person in my family.
  • 3. REVISION UNITS 6 -10: ANSWERS 10 Use the correct form of going to and a verb from the box. rain be buy not drive not drop pass have Example: Its very cloudy. I think it s going to rain soon. 1 My mobile phone is old. When _ARE_ you _GOING TO BUY a new one? 2 Be careful with those glasses! Dont worry. I _M NOT GOING TO DROP___ them. 3 _IS__ Bill _GOING TO PASS_ his exams? Of course, hes a good student. 4 Hurry up! We _ARE GOING TO BE LATE__ late for the class. 5 What _ARE__ we __GOING TO HAVE__ for dinner? I dont know. Its your turn to cook! 6 They ARENT GOING TO DRIVE_ to work today because they cant start their car. 11 Complete the phrase with a verb from the box. be become fall get get have meet move Example: get a new job 1 _MEET_ somebody new 2 __GET /BE__ married 3 _BECOME_ famous 4 HAVE a big surprise 5 _FALL_in love with someone 6 __MOVE_ house 7 _BE /GET_ lucky

I Work At The Community Garden. Which Revision Most Improves The Sentence By Adding Description?


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