
Cyberpunk 2077 character creation: Customization options and cosmetics explained

Cyberpunk 2077 C 2022 By Cd Projekt Red 01 12 2022 15 25 Source: Windows Cardinal

Cyberpunk 2077 puts y'all in control of V, just players accept an immense corporeality of control over who V really is and how they'll play. Because the dizzying array of options you'll be presented with at character creation and beyond, we've broken some of the big decisions downwards so you lot can observe a build that fits your style.

Cyberpunk 2077 character creation Cadre stats

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Overview Source: Windows Key

Y'all'll brainstorm past assigning points to v core stats:

  • Body represents raw concrete power and increases your wellness, melee damage, and max stamina pool while reducing bullet spread.
  • Cool represents cocky-command and willpower and increases your stealth, speed at which NPCs notice you lot, critical hit impairment, and resistance to furnishings.
  • Intelligence represents intellect and retentivity and shortens the daemon upload duration and memory pool while reducing the difficulty of hacking.
  • Reflexes represents coordination and speed and increases your critical take chances, attack speed, and evasion.
  • Technical Ability represents your technical bent and increases your armor and risk of harvesting craftable loot.

These stats set up the limits on increasing linked skills. For instance, if y'all burn down a handgun yous can level upward your Handgun skill but it can't exceed its governing aspect, which in this case is Reflexes. Every time you level upwards a skill, you'll gain either a passive boost for it or a perk betoken.

Every skill has its own set of perks, which are linked to the same attributes. As you level up a skill'south governing attribute, more than perks will go available. A perk point can be put in any skill, not just the one you earned it from. Perks can provide passive furnishings like increasing your damage or give you new powers similar the ability to drib unto unsuspecting enemies and take them downwardly nonlethally. There are 225 perks to be unlocked and so experimentation is encouraged.

Y'all'll earn experience points as you complete quests. When yous level upwards, you lot'll receive aspect points and perk points. The passive boosts granted past each stat will increase as y'all level them up. Completing gigs from Nighttime Urban center's fixers volition also advantage you with Street Cred, which represents Five's reputation. It'll also make up one's mind the quality of gear you tin buy from merchants and the type of gigs you can make it the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 character creation Sample builds

Cyberpunk 2077 Scavengers Source: CD Projekt RED

Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a formal class organisation, so you're free to assign attributes as you see fit and focus on using weapons, skills and perks that fit your playstyle. Here are a few piece of cake options to get started:

A Cyber Ninja should invest in Reflexes and Cool to permit them sneak around and silently kill enemies with throwing knives and poison. Picking upward the Blades skill volition give you an choice to fight more than directly, ideally with the help of some cyberware focused on shut combat. You lot can also do some hacking to plow off nearby cameras to avoid beingness suprised.

A Tech Gunslinger would purchase up Reflexes and Technical Power to make the most out of Tech Revolvers, using the advanced weaponry to shoot through walls and other encompass. Picking up some quickhacks will brand your enemies even more than vulnerable by rooting them in place. For gear, pick up some cyberware that reduces the recoil of your weapon and increases your crit risk.

A Brawler will focus on Trunk and Intelligence to deal the most damage possible while likewise being able to have a beating. Utilise hacking to apply impairment over time furnishings to your enemies and then run in and beat them upward with cybernetic fists. Yous can besides eschew hacking and only use a Berserk module to blitz in and clear everything while you're briefly nearly invincible.

Cyberpunk 2077 character cosmos Cosmetic options

Cyberpunk 2077 Source: CD Projekt S.A.

Along with picking your stats, yous'll have a wide variety of ways to visually customize your character. You'll exist able to choose your pare colour, hairstyle, eyes, oral cavity, jawline, ears, scars, tattoos, piercings, teeth, center and lip makeup, blemishes, nipples, trunk tattoos, and scars. You can also have up to eight pieces of cyberware.

Peradventure the about talked near customization is genitals. Sliders tin be used to adjust the size of V's breasts, buttocks, and penis, and there are as well different options for penis types, vagina appearance, and public pilus.

Regardless of what genitalia you cull, you can decide to have a male or female person voice regardless of your genitals, which will decide the gender that NPCs refer to 5 equally. Still, the actual genitals will make up one's mind which characters will be interested in romancing 5.

Cyberpunk 2077 character creation Lifepaths

Cyberpunk 2077 C 2022 By Cd Projekt Red 01 12 2022 18 19 Source: Windows Fundamental

The first pick you'll make when starting a game of Cyberpunk 2077 is V's lifepath, or backstory. Each gives you a different glimpse of the setting's dark future and has its own characters, quests, and locations. Your choice will also impact your choice of dialogue options.

The Corporate life path makes 5 an amanuensis of the megacorporation Arasaka equipped with the best cyberware money can buy. V'southward experience dealing with corporations volition make V less likely to exist defenseless by them and give V the power to turn the tables in some interactions with corporate agents.

The Nomad life path makes 5 a loner from The Badlands, the area on the outskirts of Night Metropolis, where V provides security for cargo traveling in and out of the city. That experience tin can be used to deal with corporate agents who don't normally operate outside of Nighttime City and in jobs that require secure travel.

The Street Child life path makes 5 an aggressive urbanite with enough of street cred and connections. It will improve V's relationship with gang members and give 5 access to data that would commonly require combat.

Customize yourself

What sort of build are you most excited most for V? Let us know in the comments section and go on checking dorsum here for more guides to navigating the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Welcome to Night City

Cyberpunk 2077 Reco Image

Cyberpunk 2077

Alter yourself.

The developers of The Witcher take turned their attention from fantasy to scientific discipline fiction with Cyberpunk 2077. Play as a cyborg mercenary searching for immortality by fighting gangs and powerful corporations.

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